YouthWorker Journal has been the leading resource for thousands of youth workers for more than three decades. Through the years, we have published many of the field’s leading voices. We also have worked with and nurtured unpublished writers, some of whom are still writing articles and/or books and other material today.

If you have an article or blog idea…contact us! Before you do that, check out our themes to make sure that your article idea fits our overall goals and objectives.

Why We Exist

We serve thousands of committed men and women who work in a variety of church, parachurch and other ministry settings around the world and are devoted to helping young people know, love and serve Jesus Christ. Everything we publish is designed to help youth workers be more effective in fulfilling this important calling. When you contact us, clearly explain how your proposed article or contribution will help fulfill this mission.


Print, Web,and the YouthWorker Journal Blog 

We publish in a variety of formats, so let us know where you think your content fits best. We currently do not pay writers for online-only content. When you submit material to us, please specify your intention for the piece (that is, if your expectation is to be published in the print journal, an online article, or a blog post).



Each issue contains numerous articles focusing on a given theme. So, please study our themes and observe each issue’s deadline dates.


How To Submit an Idea

YouthWorker Journal publishes established and new writers because we believe those with various levels of experience have valuable things to say to our readers.

Wrap up your article idea in a complete, well written proposal that includes your article idea, an outline of what you want to write about and a solid well crafted introduction. Include samples of your previously published works.

Nuts and Bolts

Our general manuscript guodelines are:

  • Times New Roman Font, 12 pt.
  • One-Inch Margins
  • All Word tools and helps turned off (no text boxes, etc)
  • End notes
  • Use words like “We” and “Us”, Don’t use “You”.
  • Make sure your spelling and grammar is all correct.
  • Use MS Word
  • It’s a great idea to have someone read your article or proposal before sending it to us for review.
  • Make sure you put your name on any doc you send to us.

And, in general, our articles are driven by strong narratives, rich theology and practical application. Tell a story to our readers, help us see the theological underpinnings, and help us make sense of that in the real world of youth ministry.

If we select your article for publication as a full-length print feature, we’ll need a high-resolution, color image of you. Specifically, we need a frontal headshot at least 300 dpi at 2-inch high (from mid-chest to top of head). It must be in a .jpg format; and we prefer the files to be RGB or CMYK and saved as a Mac file and 300 dpi for 6-inch wide or wider.

Publication Rights and Payment

As a rule, we purchase and publish only articles that have not been published previously. We pay respectable rates for major articles, depending on length.We only publish articles for which authors allow us unrestricted rights to continual print and online use of the content, which means we can republish them again in any form without further concession or permission on the part of the author.We encourage writers to seek publication elsewhere of their article(s) we publish provided these cite YouthWorker Journal as the outlet where they were originally published.Author contracts will be issued once we decide to use your material. Payment (when appropriate) will be processed once we have:

  • An edited version of the article;
  • A signed contract or invoice from the writer; and
  • W9 form (needed only once).

You should receive payment within six weeks after returning the required documents the first time you’re published, four weeks thereafter. If payment is not received in a timely manner, please contact your assigning editor.

Thanks for your interest in YouthWorker Journal. We look forward to hearing from you!