10 Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe
Larry Osborne
Multnomah Books, 2008, 224 pp., $13.99

At some point in life I have believed each of the 10 things Larry Osborne says we should not believe. I am still prone to a dumb thought now and again, but he does a great job of making a distinction throughout the book between believing dumb things and being a dumb person.

The beginning of each chapter had me asking, “Where is he going with this?” I felt like I had stepped into a theological minefield, waiting to hear the click before the boom. Putting my fears to rest, Osborne led me around the mines to his intended meaning with grace and purpose.

Whether you struggle with one or more of these dumb things or have friends who do, he gently will lead you to test these beliefs; and you will be smarter for it.

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