Patricia Layton
Baker Books, 2014, 148 pp., $9.99
In the introduction of her book A Surrendered Life, author Patricia Layton sets the tone for what one may expect to glean from reading her book.
*You will understand why women and men make a choice for abortion;
*You will learn how post-abortion heartbreak may be showing up in your life or the lives of your loved ones;
*You will understand the eight steps to healing from a past abortion;
*You will get equipped with the tools to guide a discussion about the heartbreak of abortion;
*You will learn ways to make a difference in your home, church or community related to this heartbreaking holocaust of life.

Layton writes from the perspective of one who has gone before and has experienced the trauma and tragedy of abortion. Her audience in this work is those who are experiencing the effects of abortion or considering abortion as an option. She is compassionate, as well as thorough as she shares her own story and the journey of healing for the brokenhearted. She encourages women and men to break the power of silence by sharing their stories; to heal within the safety of an understanding community. As with so many tough areas of life, one cannot or should not go it alone. The eight chapters conclude with a personal story from the author and focused opportunity to journal, reflect and pray. She is tender in her approach as she gently nudges her readers to become more vulnerable with their hidden pain. The book is full of helpful current statistics and nationwide trends that will work well for group discussion and education.

Patricia Layton doesn’t forget the men. She encourages men who have been affected by the choice of abortion to seek help, healing and forgiveness for their roles in this decision. She writes:

“Post-abortion men experience tendencies toward angry and violent behavior, as well as an overall sense of lost manhood. Common consequences include broken relationships; sexual dysfunction; substance abuse; self-hatred; ever-increasing feelings of grief, guilt and depression; as well as dangerous and even suicidal behavior.”

Statistics from A Surrendered Life indicate that an estimated 43 percent of women of childbearing age have had at least one abortion. As a student leader there is every possibility that you already know someone who has chosen this path and is being deeply affected. This book will be a very helpful read for each of us as we continue to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

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