A Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible
A.J. Jacobs
Simon & Schuster, Oct. 2007, 400 pp., $25.00, www.simonsays.com

What do you get when you take an agnostic and have him live the Bible as literally as possible for an entire year? A funny, insightful look at how we all need more of God’s word in our daily lives.

Beyond just growing an unruly beard and wearing all white, A.J. Jacobs took on the task of not lying, honoring the Sabbath, and even stoning adulterers. He came away with a sense that prayer is something missed when not done, and there is Someone listening. He learned it actually takes work not to work on the Sabbath, and it is good to listen and learn from other theologies and religions.

In a society constantly plugged into iPods, cell phones and Internet sites, Jacobs shows that obeying the laws of the Bible can bring about a peace and centeredness we cannot find anywhere else. We can learn to connect with other human beings again and see the world God desires us to see. Although agnostic, I did not find Jacobs to be disrespectful of the Bible in any way. I was impressed with how he did not skip around biblical laws because he found them too difficult. He sought wise counsel and did his homework.

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