Andy Addis is a communicator for the 21st Century. Using humor, story-telling, and in-depth teaching, Andy has become a popular speaker throughout the South and Midwest.

During the last decade Andy has spoken and led youth ministry conferences like Super Summer Youth Camps, Fellowship of Christian Athletes events (Weekend of Champions, Game Day, and Coach’s Camp), Christian Challenge College Conferences, church revivals, men’s gatherings/retreats, Christian leadership/pastoral training events and a variety of one-day speaking opportunities.

 As Andy’s speaking ministry grew he founded a ministry team called 180 Degrees. This team rounded out the event ministry format with Christian entertainment and worship professionals.

 Andy is also pastor of a thriving congregation in Hutchinson, Kansas. In the three years  that church has grown from 120 to more than 500, and added a satellite venue in 2006 to accommodate growth.

Becoming a follower of Christ as a teenager, Andy has an incredible testimony of growing up distant from God with many struggles. His story (while still in progress) now includes the miraculous move of God in him, his ministry and his extended family.

Andy has Bachelor and Masters degrees in communication from Fort Hays State University, and Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages degree from Southwestern Seminary  in Fort Worth, Texas.


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