If you are in a setting where you want to tackle a tough topic in a light and/or fun way, try this one.
Give each person a pen and a Post-It Note (or two). Instruct each person to write a question they would like the pastor to answer or discuss, but might be afraid to ask out loud.
After each person has written his or her question, the leader discreetly collects them and sticks one question on each side of something that can be rolled, such as a large cube.
The idea is that each person in the group will take a turn rolling the cube, then reading the question that is on top of the cube when it stops rolling. The “twist” is the pastor will address the question, but the person who rolled the “dice” must give his or opinion first. Others are also welcome to give their opinion before the leader gives the final response.
Continue play as time allows or until everyone has had a chance to read a question and give an opinion.