“Well,” answered the wise woman, “what can you tell me about the people in the town where you once lived?”
The traveler said, “Oh, the people there were horrible. They were unfriendly and unwilling to help a neighbor.”
“In that case,” the wise woman said, “I am afraid you will discover the town up ahead will be much the same. You will be disappointed.”
A bit later another traveler arrived and asked the same questions of the wise woman. She asked him to tell her about the town he had left behind. “Oh,” he said, “the people there were wonderful. They were good to each other, friendly and helpful.”
“In that case,” the wise woman said, “you will enjoy living in the town up ahead. That is exactly as you will find it.”
What makes the difference? Attitude. How we perceive others and talk about them will have a huge impact in our ministries. Begin this week by seeing the best in others, and you no doubt will discover new opportunities. How you see others will impact greatly the ways we respond to them.