Do you feel at times that your office is formless and you wish God would do an organization ex nihilo on your work space, miraculously bringing organization where there was no organization?
Quick Backdrop Maybe you've heard this phrase: Be in the world, but not of the world. After hearing the phrase maybe you've thought, "Huh?" It's a catchy phrase that tries to explain a balance that God...
What is your theology of suffering? My personal Bible study tells me that suffering will happen. My life experiences back support that. Suffering should not catch us off guard, but a spot check of any ch...
Is collaboration overrated? Let's face it: Sometimes it's easier to do things on our own. It's more expedient. We can do it in our own time frame, which might be the night before or the hour before. I...
Quick Backdrop
Maybe you've seen the bumper sticker: "As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools." You might expand the list: As long as there are temptations, peer pressures, anxieties over t...
Quick Backdrop Has this happened to you? You attend a spiritually charged event such as a Christian concert or youth group retreat. You experience a spiritual high point and make some serious commitments; but ...
With the current focus on stars and wars therein (raise your hand if you've seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens), it seems the right time to focus on a Bible passage that uses stars to encourage us toward a deepe...
Are you a New Year's resolution maker? Some are (about half of us, actually), and some aren't (the other half of us). Whether you are or aren't, there is something cool about looking at a fresh, new year an...