Several years ago, I learned a lesson. It's a hard lesson, and like most hard lessons, it hurt to learn, and it's a valuable lesson, and like most of the good lessons, I sometimes need to re-learn it. So, i...
Branding youth ministries is not a new idea. Gone are the days of using a piece of clipart and a strange acronyms, like the phone tree and the disposable camera.
Youth ministry has evolved, and branding is ...
I like to think that youth learn a LOT about the faith in they youth ministry in my church.
In fact, my church pays me to do exactly that, to teach the youth about God and the Bible and Jesus...etc. ...
Should youth ministers consider themselves teachers? The short answer is 'Yes'. Spiritual Education is exactly that – education.
I have yet to meet a youth worker in which some form of spiritu...
Many youth groups have a simple formula for their meetings: game + lesson, with the occasional pizza order or lock-in.
It’s a centuries old formula dating back to youth ministries out of Ancient Mesopotamia...
Parents of teenagers have a good amount of experience with teenagers, more so than the young adults who's only reference is that they vaguely remember what it was like being a teenager themselves.