Youth Culture Lesson: What’s in a Name?

College Ministry Gets a Cru CutGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:Campus Crusade for Christ International, one of the biggest evangelical ministries in t...

Youth Culture Update: Food? Who Needs It?

We don't need researchers to tell us that teens love their cell phones or that this affection sometimes can trickle close to an obsession. Still, it was interesting what a survey found youth would be willing to...

Youth Culture Update: iRecord

You'd think it'd be tough to type quickly on an iPad, given the lack of an actual keyboard; but Eduard Saakashvili, a 15-year-old from the country of Georgia (and son of the country's prez, Mikheil Saakashvili)...

Youth Culture Lesson: Harry Problem

Daniel Radcliffe Admits Struggle with AlcoholGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:On July 15, Harry Potter will have his final cinematic showdown with Vold...