Many of the financial pitfalls people fall into as adults could have been prevented with some solid financial education as children. Lori Mackey, author of Money Mama & The Three Little P...
Ryan Boatright, a 138-pound potential basketball star at the University of Southern California, is currently undersized to play point guard for a major college. But give the kid a break: He’s just 14. &n...
Students at Dickinson College are still smarter than the average on-campus washing machine, but the margin may have been cut a bit this year with the introduction of the college’s new eSuds system. The co...
Forget what Grandma told you about children being “seen, not heard.” Thanks to the Internet, today’s teens expect to be seen and heard by their friends, acquaintances–eve...
High-calorie soft drinks are an endangered species in American high schools, according to a recent industry report. Part of this is because some schools have banned sodas from their halls, but s...
Forget that old-fashioned lie detector: A new company says it’s found a way to detect a lie while it’s bouncing inside someone’s brain. Representatives from the company, San D...
One of most popular new shows for teens this year has been CW’s “Gossip Girl,” based on the popular pulp novels of the same name that delve into sex, drugs, and rampant consume...
Several towns and cities are trying to crack down on baggy pants by making them illegal. One Louisiana town could slap offenders with a $500 fine and six months in prison. Atlanta’s consid...
Nearly half of high school students have engaged in non-suicidal, self-injuring behavior more than once the previous year, according to a study published recently in Psychological Medicine. &nb...
Researchers have found that college students who spend lots of time playing video games have lower grade-point averages than those who don’t. And they needed a study for t...