Youth Culture Update: Texts to Sex

Several studies have linked sexting with actual sex, and a new study by Dr. Jeff Temple, an associate professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch, confirms much of what we already know. According t...

Youth Culture Update: The Fault in This Book

By a 6-1 vote, a committee for the Riverside (Calif.) Unified School District banned The Fault in Our Stars from the district's middle schools. Those who voted to remove the book from its shelves were troubled ...

Youth Culture Lesson: Goodness in Gotham

Show Explores Good, Evil and Moral Compromise Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened: On Sept. 22, the Fox network unveiled its much-anticipa...

Youth Culture Update: Delayed Education

Most college freshmen think they'll go to college for four years, pocket their bachelor's degree and get on with their lives. Yet although nine out of 10 new college students think they'll get their degree in f...