Youth Culture Lesson: Mixed Messages

Are Students More Concerned about Helping Themselves than Others?Get downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat HappenedWho do you care about more, yourself or others? Accord...
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Youth Culture Update: ‘Embrace Life’

Singer Lana Del Rey is on record as being infatuated with death. Her musical inspirations include Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain, both of whom died at 27. Del Rey, 28, told London newspaper The Guardian, "I wish...

Youth Culture Update: Self-Motivated

A new study by Harvard's Graduate School of Education finds that middle school and high school students are more concerned with their own well-being than those of others.  About 80 percent of the 10,000 st...

Youth Culture Update: More Moms Unmarried

Young moms are more likely to be single than married, according to a study by John Hopkins University. In fact, one-third of women ages 26 to 31 were married at the time of the birth of all their children.The s...

Youth Culture Update: Becoming Uncool

Popularity isn't forever, according to new research published in the June 2914 issue of Child Development.Researchers kept tabs on nearly 200 people, beginning when they were 13 and continuing through age 23. T...

Youth Culture Update: LOL, FBI

The FBI has an 83-page, 3,000-word dictionary on Internet slang, helping its agents in deciphering the strange world of online communication and (according to the document) "keeping up with your children and/or...