Youth Culture Lesson: You Better Be Good…

Santa Claus Is Coming—with a Lie DetectorGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:Santa's watching us. From the time we were little kids, most of us were...

Youth Culture Update: Still Tickled by TV

Television executives are growing ever more concerned that teens are rejecting TV for other forms of media, but according to a compilation of statistics by The Atlantic, such worries are probably overblown.Acco...

Youth Culture Update: Speaking of Sleep…

Kids and teens need about nine or 10 hours of sleep a night to be at their best. Not surprisingly, youth are more likely to get that sort of sleep if things are going well at home.David Maume, a sleep researche...

Youth Culture Update: Texting a Few Zs

Sleep texting is a growing problem among teens, according to health experts. Many adolescents who sleep with their cellphone near or sometimes in their beds, are sometimes sending texts without remembering they...

Youth Culture Update: Raised by Tablets

Just in time for Christmas, Fisher Price has released a new iPad-equipped seat for babies.The seat, called the Newborn-to-Toddler Apptivity Seat, isn't designed to completely turn a little snowflake into a pint...

Youth Culture Update: Maybe IVs Would Help

Lunch hour? Many high schoolers get just a handful of lunch minutes these days, and that has some experts worried.At Oakland (Calif.) High school, students technically get 40 minutes for lunch, but that's takin...