Youth Culture Update: Powerful Tweets

Nearly two-thirds of the world's leaders now have Twitter accounts, according to a study of the public relations agency Burson-Marsteller. About 264 national leaders are a part of the Twitterverse, with an esti...

Youth Culture Update: Byting Commentary

A huge majority of teens communicate through digital media every day, according to figures published by the Center for Media Research. A full nine out of every 10 teens ages 13 to 17 have used some form of soci...

Youth Culture Update: What Would Batman Eat?

Not all media influence is necessarily bad. Take the kids who took part in a study at Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab recently. One day during the study, researchers asked participating children whether...

Youth Culture Update: Bad Influence?

With the nation still shaking its head over the Aurora massacre (wherein a gunman opened fire on a theater crowded with fans watching The Dark Knight Rises, killing 12), many are debating what might've contribu...

Youth Culture Update: Tragedy in Aurora

A loneo gunman fired mumerouso shots in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises July 20. The massacre left 12 dead and 58 wounded—many of them youth. James Holmes, 24...

Youth Culture Lesson: Dark Night

Aurora Shooting Shocks, Scares NationGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:A heavily armed man wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire on a movie theater in ...