Youth Culture Update: Censoring God?

After taking some serious heat for trying to change the lyrics for a popular Lee Greenwood song, a Massachusetts elementary school has decided its students can sing "God Bless the USA." after all. Initially, ed...

Youth Culture Lesson: Health and Hunger

Weight of Star Stirs Hunger Games ControversyGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:The Hunger Games proved to be a massive hit with fans and critics when it...

Youth Culture Update: Text, Don’t Talk

About three-quarters of teens text, according to Pew Research Center's Internet and the American Life Project, and they're texting more than ever—sending an average of 60 missives a day. In 2009, the aver...

Youth Culture Update: Need a Hug? Too Bad!

A New Jersey middle school has done away with hugs—one of a handful that has banned the popular displays of affection. The ban at Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School was instituted after "some incidents of uns...

Youth Culture Update: From Porn to Prom?

Sometimes, getting a date to prom can be more trouble than it's worth. Just ask Mike Stone. Stone, an 18-year-old senior at Tartan High School In Oakdale, Minn., asked about a dozen girls to go to prom, but all...