Reinforcing the theme of redemption introduced in Season 22 of CBS' "Survivor: Redemption Island," former castaway Krista Klumpp gave her luxury item—her Bible—to fellow castaway Matt Elrod. El...
Technology, social media and multitasking may actually be helping young people develop robust brains. Some adults predict doom and gloom for teen brains on technology, but brain researchers say the adaptability...
Samuel Goldwyn Films announced that it has acquired Roland Joffé's There Be Dragons, an epic tale of jealousy, love, faith and redemption that spans civil war-torn Spain to the recent past with a deadly, d...
Getting the Word Out in Public High SchoolsAre we trading in our right to free speech, especially our freedom of religion, in exchange for being non-offensive and politically correct? Separation of church and s...
Dr. Richard R. Wynn, the seventh President of Youth for Christ/USA, passed away recently at his home in Florida. He was 71. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Janet; two children, Ronda (Dan) Chapin of Gra...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Pledges U.S. Government Support to End Water Poverty in Developing CountriesWorld Bank President Robert Zoellick and Secretary Clinton sign a groundbreaking Memorandum of...
New Study: Few Things More Important to Teens than Their Cell PhonesAccording to a new 30-Hour Famine study, conducted online in January by Harris Interactive, among more than 500 youth ages 13 to 17 years...
Biblica, Zondervan, YouVersion Team Up to Give Away 1 Million NIV Digital Bibles in 400 Hours:Event to Celebrate 400th Anniversary of the King James VersionFour hundred years ago when the King James Version (KJ...
The Gamercize Pro-Sport active gaming accessory has been chosen "Best Physical Education Exergame" by public vote in The Exergame Network Awards 2010. Gamercize was nominated in four other categories, also bein...
Adopted at birth, I knew no family history; but shortly after the passing of my mom, I discovered that my cholesterol was over 400 from a college health screening. Then when I was only 27 years old, docto...