Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in CommunityDietrich Bonhoeffer Harper and Row, 1954, 218 pp., $34In Bonhoeffer's, Life Together, he points out that every move of Go...
The message of the gospel declares the victory Jesus had over death, Satan, and sin. They each were defeated by His first coming, and will be destroyed at His final coming.Our mission as Christians is to share ...
In Resurrecting Excellence, Jones and Armstrong explore the idea of bringing excellence back as virtue of every believer. They begin by focusing on the gospel and how we must have an attitude of excellence as w...
The promised Holy Spirit descended on this band of 120 men and women who were in agreement in heart and mind. In that empowered moment, everything suddenly became clear to them. In a flash they realized the rea...
The gospels can be cataloged based on the relationship of the author and their connectedness to Jesus. They were writing as eyewitnesses or firsthand hearers of the story they told. They also were writing these...
In Webber's The Younger Evangelical, we see the emergence of a new type of Christ follower. Webber paints the picture of this new believer as following a movement of God. This move of God is a new wine such as ...
When we hear the call to follow Christ, it is more than just a physical or mental decision to follow Him. In Matthew 4:19, we see that when Jesus called His disciples it was a request to come and follow a rabbi...
Have you ever been listening to a song when suddenly the words just seem to speak to you? You might have heard this song many times, but this time it has a different meaning.We were traveling today to see some ...
In Stanley Grenz' Primer on Postmodernism, he begins by contrasting Modernism and Postmodernism.In Modernism, truth is discovered. Through experimentation and philosophical reasoning, truth can be discovered. T...
The Next Crusade will not be against one particular faith group, but against the ideology of Postmodernism.In postmodernity, it is impossible for a person to be unbiased. Each person comes to the table with emo...