Check out these culture snapshots pulled from the pages of YouthWorker Journal.
Teens Smoking Less (But They Still Text a Lot)
There was a bevy of good news in the new National Youth Risk Behavior Surve...
Check out these culture snapshots pulled from the next issue of YouthWorker Journal.
Star Wars: The Babies Awaken
Star Wars: The Force Awakens had a powerful influence on the box office when it...
Every now and then we're fortunate to gather wise youth ministry minds together and ask them to reflect on a REALLY BIG QUESTION. Recently, we tossed a couple big questions about student leadership at for youth...
I’m learning why administrative types, those responsible for the organization of the church often don’t like youth workers. And, to be honest, I completely get it.
Why are administrative skills so elusive for many us? Why do we struggle with calendaring, forecasting and pulling off an effective youth program? Is administration really only a spiritual gift, one that is given to a select few people?