Set a Writing Date with Yourself

There is no doubt that writing is one of the most effective tools for communicating the faith. The apostle Paul wrote letters, each detailing his varied ideas and his challenges for those respective congregatio...

Reading in Preparation for Ministry

Much has been written about the importance of leadership in ministry but not so much about readership. However, every youth leader understands that education is a life-long endeavor. One never completes an educ...

Dictionary Devotional

"Study to show yourself approved by Him, a worker rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). There always have been three books that have had a profound impact on my life—books that I keep clos...

Fit to Lead

There is not much in the Bible about fitness—especially when it comes to the physical capacities of leaders. We won't find, for example, a workout routine in the Book of Numbers or turn to the Book of Act...

What Inspires You?

This group-building activity is an inspiring way to begin a new year and enlist the creativity of the individual players. Begin by giving each teenager an index card and pencil, and then invite each one to writ...

A Change-Up Is in Order

Youth ministry is loaded with challenges and sometimes changes. From time to time, youth leaders experience the pull of new ventures and opportunities. Years ago, when I was considering a new offer as a yout...

Your Circle of Influence

In his many books on leadership, John Maxwell notes the importance of influence. The extent of a leader's impact is determined by his or her integrity, concern and respect, all of which relate to influence, whi...