Spider Webs

For this game, you will need several skeins of yarn. Divide the group into teams (works best if there are at least seven on a team) and give each group a skein. Each group is then instructed to create...

Giving UP for Lent

Among the 40 days of Lent, Sundays are not included in the penitential and somber overtones. Sundays, rather, are reserved as little Easters—days of respite and resurrection, reminding us that even when w...

You Complete Me

This is a fun word game that can create an enticing beginning to a more serious discussion. Pass around index cards and pencils and ask each teenager to write an open-ended sentence that others in the group can...

99 Thoughts for Student Leaders

Doug FranklinGroup/Simply Youth Ministry, 2012, 136 pp., $5.99Just as those looking for the best leadership books can't go wrong with any of John Maxwell's titles, youth leaders seeking to strengthen their stud...

The Parable of the Apron

"Very truly I tell you, servants are not greater than their master" (John 13:16).Some years ago, I recall a devotion offered at a youth retreat. It was a great talk—both visually and challenging.&nbs...