During the dog days of summer heat, outdoor water games can be popular, and Sponge Out is a blast. Divide the group into teams, give each team a box of sidewalk chalk, and then instruct each team to create a la...
Not long ago my wife and I experienced a series of frustrations in our house. First, our electrical system began to develop problems—with lights going out, or not coming on at all. Then, our furnace stopp...
In the spirit of the winter Olympics, here are three indoor games that can be played with balloons. Some are individual games, others require teamwork.
Balloony Toons
This game will require the long variety...
Collect many different kinds of hats in a large box (baseball caps, helmets, women’s bonnets, berets, etc.). For the game, gather the teenagers into a circle (standing or sitting). Place the box of hats i...
Recently my wife and I watched a marvelous movie, McFarland, starring Kevin Costner. This film, existentially about a washed-up teacher and coach who has made mistakes and is forced to move to a largely Hispa...
If your group is looking for a mission that can also be a beautification project, consider approaching the mayor or town council in your area. Ask if your group can be assigned a spring beautification project...
For a hot summer day, this is a fun game to play at a pool party. Purchase several bags of ice, and keep these in a cooler until needed.
Form two teams, and using the bags of ice, create a relay race. Each t...
This high energy game requires two identical camping tents—large tents with poles and fasteners work best. Divide the group into two teams and assign one tent per group. Without providing assembly instruc...
If you have a large vacant wall in your church, gymnasium or youth room, "Wall Ball" can be a fun option on a rainy day. Begin by creating a masking tape grid on the wall (either like-sized squares or of differ...