The Parables of Dr. Seuss

The Parables of Dr. SeussRobert L. ShortWestminster John Knox Press, 2008,101 pp., $16.95, www.wjkbooks.comRobert L. Short’s latest in the “gospel according to” genre, which he kicked off wi...
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McCain: It’s Time for Vouchers

 From the story: "John McCain told the NAACP and some skeptical black voters Wednesday that he will expand education opportunities, partly through vouchers for low-income children to attend priva...

There’s No Place Like Home

When it comes to getting a good education, apparently, there's no place like home.When homeschooling first came into prominence in the late 1980’s many viewed it with skepticism, but it has proved itself ...

Young Conservatives United by Faith

From the story: "The topic of the high school discussion was homosexuality, and almost everyone in the class expressed the view that 'it's OK to be gay.' Jennifer Landry believed otherwise. 'The act is horrible...

Kanakuk Kamps

Since 1926, Kanakuk Kamps has been providing great outdoor summer sports camps that promote personal growth and Christian character. Each year we host over 14,000 kampers ages 7-18 in our eight summer camps for...