The teenagers, among two dozen Fenway High School freshmen arrayed in a semicircle beneath a basketball hoop, breathed deeply as a stress-reduction trainer instructed them on how to relax. New Age music floated...
It’s official!, the site formerly known as, is now part of the FrontGate Media family. Direct Email. Video Ads. Contests. Oh my! VideoRocket provides access to a v...
Holly Massingill noticed the little slip-ups first.The Austin mother, who once had an "almost photographic" memory, began to stumble over friends' names when introducing them. She would hop in her car and forge...
"Many Christians sacrifice a personal pleasure such as chocolate, liquor, or cigarettes to mark Lent, the period of penance and prayer before Easter. This year, Nina Scott is giving up carbon. "Religious envir...
The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontierby Tony JonesJossey-Bass, 2007, 257pp., $22.95, Over the past decade many of us have asked: What is the Emergent movement all about? ...
TO QUOTE“Get ready for total inundation.”- Market researcher Debra Aho Williamson of eMarketer who says 20 million children will be members of virtual communities by 2011, up from 8 million now. (Ne...
Once upon a time there was life and there was pop culture. Today, pop culture is life for millions of kids.What do youth workers need to know about pop culture to understand kids and their world? And what can w...
Youth Culture 101(Youth Specialties)YouthWorker Journal’s pop-culture columnist puts his years of experience in this book, full of research and insight about today’s youth culture. One of the best p...
"The pews at Capital Baptist Church here don't provide much room to move, but lack of space didn't stop about 150 people from rising to their feet on a recent Saturday morning and taking a few jabs and uppercut...