Tree House Camp

Maple Tree Campground is home to The Tree House Camp, a year-round retreat situated on 20 wooded acres atop South Mountain, adjacent to the Appalachian Trail, near Washington, D.C. Year-round cottage, ...

Free Church Website Tool Released

How can we use this new-fangled Internet thing to share the gospel? Christians are asking. A worldwide "web evangelism focus day" is helping to provide answers. Sunday, April 27, has been designated as Internet...

How Would Jesus Vote?

"Democrats weren't just passive nonactors who stood by helplessly while the GOP claimed Christ for itself. Instead of pushing back against conservatives' insistence that Democrats aren't religious, the party be...

Journey Through Lent

This past week I met with a group of guys that I do Bible study with and we discussed passages from the beginning of Genesis. In looking at the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve, the question arose; doesn't i...

Sky Ranch Camps

The search begins! And Sky Ranch Camps, America’s premier summer camp, has the answer for busy parents in pursuit of a fun yet memory-making, life-impacting children’s summer camp experience.Headqua...

A Life of Temptation

I read the bible tonight for the first time in a long time. Some of it's hard to understand but in some places it's like a metaphor for life. In the bible Eve was evil for eating the apple. She gave into tempta...

Why Do We Believe in God?

Researchers at the University of Oxford will spend £1.9 million investigating why people believe in God. Academics have been given a grant to try to find out whether belief in a deity is a matter of nature...