THE GAME: Give players one minute to line up in their birthday order (from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31) without talking or mouthing words. Have players raise their hands when everyone thinks they're standing in the corre...
Divide into teams of two or three. Each group gets a chair, a water balloon, shaving cream, and a razor. One member of the team sits in a chair -- with a large water balloon on his or her head. The partner(s) c...
Ages before there was David Crowrder Band or the Passion conferences, a British band named Delirious? changed the way we worship with songs such as "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" and "Did You Feel the Moun...
SUPPLIES: Index cards and masking tape SET UP: Write the name of a famous person ono each index card -- real or fictional, living or from the past. Choose names the group will know (movie, cartoon and...
Last month the David Crowder Band picked up its latest two Dove Awards from the Gospel Music Association for the album Church Music. The band also announced a new conference for fans and church musicians."Crowd...
Zondervan is is offering a free preview app featuring the Book of John for customers interested in purchasing the Read it/Hear it NIV GoBible iPhone App. The NIV GoBible is a comprehensive Bible program that le...
After a seven-year hiatus, Christian folk singer Jennifer Knapp is back with new music, a new understanding of herself and a barn-burner of a reveal: She's a lesbian.People had speculated on Knapp's sexual iden...
THE GAME: Choose one person to be "it" and leave the room. Choose a second person to lead remaining players sitting in a circle. The leader starts a simple motion that everyone else follows together, such as sl...
THE GAME: Direct players to sit in a circle, and choose one person to lead. Tell players they are to look at their neighboy and say, "Zoom!" one at a time, going left around the circle (clockwise) as fast as po...
You're at college one day when your dorm roommate tells you to stay out of the room so he or she can have an intimate evening. What are students to do? See what one college is doing to address the problem of "s...