The German government on Tuesday outlawed a neo-Nazi group it accused of trying to indoctrinate children and teenagers. The group's summer camps included military-style drills and courses on "racial purity."The...
The newsroom of The Diamondback, the student paper at the University of Maryland, College Park, retains the feel of an old-school city room. Framed front pages line the walls and bound volumes of yellowing issu...
You’ve met them. They may be friends of yours, or family members. You may even be one of them (in which case you’ll hate this column). I’m referring to those who’ve heard the Call of Oba...
In a conflict of sacred and secular traditions, thousands of Christians who are urged to solemnly commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday afternoon are being tempted by an alternative spring ritual:...
A single mom with three sons, Maureen Wrinn knew she faced tough financial choices after losing her job last fall. But one decision was clear all along, despite its price tag: Her oldest son, Corey, would go ba...
When Facebook signed up its 100 millionth member last August, its employees spread out in two parks in Palo Alto, Calif., for a huge barbecue. Sometime this week, this five-year-old start-up, born in a dorm roo...
When Harvard was founded nearly four centuries ago, all students read and spoke Latin. They had t Lectures were delivered primarily in the ancient tongue, and the classics was pretty much all they could study.T...
A Connecticut middle school principal has laid down the law: You put your hands on someone -- anyone -- in any way, you're going to pay.A violent incident that put one student in the hospital has officials at&n...
The rapper 50 Cent is among the legion of stars who have recently embraced Twitter to reach fans who crave near-continuous access to their lives and thoughts. On March 1, he shared this insight with the more th...