Band members of Becoming the Archetype have a long history of community involvement and outreach, especially involving youth ministry. Because ministry is at the heart of BTA, they have invested much time, energy, and money to enrich the lives of those around them. Probably the best example of this was the time the drummer, Brent Duckett, spent in Oklahoma City helping with The Jesus Place. Being from Atlanta, Oklahoma City was a long way from home and different setting. Nonetheless, “Duck” moved to Oklahoma City for eight months to assist this community that reached out to the teenagers in the area, often dealing with drug problems in the kids’ lives. This sort of ministry is not very polished or safe, and The Jesus Place actually was forced to move out of its building to another location because of police concern about the amount of drug deals going on in the parking lot and the people associated with such activities. However, each participant of the ministry considered it worthwhile because they were the only ones attempting in a large way to give hope to these teenagers in their terrible situations. This was a large sacrifice for Duck, leaving his job and family, and taking time off touring with the band to assist such a ministry.
Aside from that, BTA has partnered with multiple agencies at various times to assist poor and orphaned children. Work with Worldvision and other such agencies has brought the world and it’s pains close to the heart of Becoming the Archetype. In fact, at one time or another, each member of BTA has sponsored a child through one of these organizations. Aside from their donations to, and involvement with, these organizations for needy children overseas, the members of BTA have invested time in their local churches and communities. Each member of BTA has been a youth pastor, music minister, or youth assistant for months at a time. This is because BTA believes in the necessity of community in the Christian life and time spent with the youth in the church is a worthwhile investment. The band has a heart for nurturing and growing kids spiritually to help prevent them from seeking fulfillment elsewhere, such as sex or drugs. More importantly, the band seeks to show kids their ultimate fulfillment comes from a Savior whose loves never fails.