Boy-Sterous Living: Celebrating Your Loud and Rowdy Life with Sons
Jean Blackmer
Beacon Hill Press, 2008, 182 pp., $14.99

Being a parent of a boy can be exhausting, confusing, frustrating—and hilarious. Jean Blackmer shares stories that will encourage parents who read this and make them laugh.

More than entertaining or edifying parents, the main concern she has for her readers is for them to desire to “seek guidance from God to help them on their journey of raising tomorrow’s men.” She presents content to equip parents with this goal in mind and includes discussion questions at each chapter’s end and Scripture references throughout.

You should be aware that moms will connect easily to what Blackmer is sharing, but fathers may have a tougher time relating, although this resource could appeal to both parents. It is fairly obvious throughout the book that it is written from the perspective of a mother of boys.

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