How to Prevent a Lone-Star Youth Ministry

Many sports teams have gotten into trouble for relying too much on one or two star players. When those players got injured, switched teams, or retired, the winning streak abruptly ended. The teams have learned ...

Developing a New Perspective

I'm a new mom. Currently, my 9-month old daughter, Hope, is into everything. She's a speedy crawler who's started pulling herself up and cruising along furniture. As Hope has become more mobile, I've become ...

Ice Bag Relay

For a hot summer day, this is a fun game to play at a pool party. Purchase several bags of ice, and keep these in a cooler until needed. Form two teams, and using the bags of ice, create a relay race. Each t...

The Best Gift I’ve Ever Given

I was one year away from my wedding with many decisions to be made and many people to organize. My soon-to-be husband and I were knee-deep in save-the-dates, centerpieces and compiling an iPod list of music for...

Three C’s of Comunication

Our culture  is always on the go. The faster we go, the more we value communication that concise, complete, and clear. As youth workers trying to engage the people of our culture, we’ve got to be able to say...

Saying Yes To Becoming You

When you say yes to becoming more you—yes to the finding—you’re saying yes to the God who mixed only one you for a life full of freedom. Find that life. Find that you. Find that peace.

Managing Confrontation

"I cannot wait to have that difficult conversation with that friend of mine, the one where I have to tell him how much he's upset me. It's gonna be the highlight of my week. I just love confrontation!" I be...

Are You Not Entertained?

When entertaining our students becomes the purpose of our ministries, we not only have abandoned our mission, but we have abandoned our students.