Seth Haines and Shauna Niequist Zondervan, 2015, 224 pp., $11.72 Seth Haines knows pain and suffering. Watching his youngest son suffer from a rare disease led him into a downward spiral of alcoholism. Ha...
Michael Todd Wilson Intervarsity Books, 2015, 215 pp., $15 Again this week, my attention was drawn to a headline exposing a ministry leader's sexual outsourcing with a woman other than his wife. One would t...
Jim Burns and Doug Fields David C. Cook, 2014, Hardcover: 224 pp., $15.99; Workbook: 2015, 128 pp., $12.99 I am very excited about the prospects of this two-book set written by the very credible authors, ...
Lauren Chandler B&H Publishing Group, 2015, 208 pp., $14.32 We often find ourselves face to face with situations and circumstances that are less than desirable. It's during those times when we struggle ...
Jessica Leep Fick Intervarsity Press, 2015, 192 pp., $16 Beautiful Feet is a great resource and a source of encouragement for women who are struggling to figure out how evangelism looks in everyday life. ...
Nancy Rue, Mean Girl Makeover (Book 3) Thomas Nelson, 2015, 230 pp., $9.99 Sorry I'm Not Sorry is the third novel in the Mean Girl Makeover Trilogy, a series geared toward tackling the issue of bullying. ...
Every youth leader understands the meaning of the fundraiser woes. You know—it's that phenomenon that wrests your focus away from ministry and leads to inundation in fundraising. After you've been thr...
Jefferson Bethke Thomas Nelson, 2015, 240 pp., $10.19 In a rapidly evolving pop culture, Bethke has been burdened that people are starting to lose sight of the true Jesus. Christians in particular have star...
Jessica Fralin Abingdon Press, 2015. 177 pp., $15.99 In a world where nearly 70 percent of teenagers own a smartphone and social media defines our living standards, authentic identity and self-worth can be ...
Andrew Zirschky
Abingdon Press, 2015, 160 pp., $13.80We recognize how teenagers are using technology and social media—especially how much they use it!—but this may not be the most helpful premise. Why is t...