You Need to Take Care of Yourself

I’m not really a fan of the term self-care. Not only does it sound trendy, which is generally a bad omen for any idea, but trendy often describes something that is a passing fad, an idea or concept that som...

Helping Students Push-Back on Technology

Something said by media critic Marshall McLuhan may have initially fallen on deaf ears, but its truths scream loudly about the contemporary power of media, technology, and electronic tools. McLuhan once said, ...

8 Keys for Discerning How Families Function

@import url(;@import url(/ywjadmin_wysiwyg.css); "The more a therapist learns about a family, the mo...

Idea: Give Away Valentine Cards

For a different spin on Valentine's Day for the group, I invited in a divorced single mom to lead them in an art project. Too often Valentine's Day has a focus on young love. I wanted to redirect that focus tow...

Feeding Your Hungry Soul

I was reading through Arnold van Gennep's 1909 classic, The Rites of Passage, which argued that separation, transition and incorporation were three stages that mark the passage from childhood to adulthood and ...

Transforming Teens through Small Groups

Recently while sitting at a round table discussion with several youth pastors, I was surprised when one of them declared, “I hate small groups, they never work, and so we don’t bother to have them anymore....