Youth Group Devo: Reviving Your Faith

Quick Backdrop Psalm 73: It's one of the most gut-wrenchingly honest chapters in the entire Bible. It was written by a spiritual leader who was just about to check out of the faith. He was fed up with stayin...

Youth Group Devo: God Time

Years ago, when I was participating in track and field in college, I had a coach who stressed the importance of pace. He was adamant that pace was essential—not only in long distance runs such as the mi...

Youth Group Devo: The Patience of Bamboo

There is the story of the bamboo seed which, in its introduction into the soil, takes months actually to germinate and sprout. However, once the bamboo begins to grow, it is one of the fastest-growing plants ...

Youth Group Devo: Seed Power

"I planted the seed. Apollos watered it" (1 Cor. 3:5, NIV). In his writing to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul used the metaphor of a seed to describe the way God works in the human heart. As any fa...

The Power of a Prayer Party

Quick Backdrop Arrested. Released. Arrested. Released. That's pretty much the pattern the apostles experienced as they shared the message of Christ with the world around them during the first few months of Chr...

Orange Juice Ministry to the Whole Church

By now, many youth leaders and pastors have heard of orange, the concept of combining colors of yellow and red to form a new approach to church. Orange is about combining the passion we have for God with th...

Genealogy of a Group

Family genealogy is all the rage now, and research centers are popping up all over the country. Online services help families complete their own research—even uncovering historical photos or gleaning valuable...