Reading in Preparation for Ministry

Much has been written about the importance of leadership in ministry but not so much about readership. However, every youth leader understands that education is a life-long endeavor. One never completes an educ...

Dictionary Devotional

"Study to show yourself approved by Him, a worker rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). There always have been three books that have had a profound impact on my life—books that I keep clos...

Fit to Lead

There is not much in the Bible about fitness—especially when it comes to the physical capacities of leaders. We won't find, for example, a workout routine in the Book of Numbers or turn to the Book of Act...

A Change-Up Is in Order

Youth ministry is loaded with challenges and sometimes changes. From time to time, youth leaders experience the pull of new ventures and opportunities. Years ago, when I was considering a new offer as a yout...

Your Circle of Influence

In his many books on leadership, John Maxwell notes the importance of influence. The extent of a leader's impact is determined by his or her integrity, concern and respect, all of which relate to influence, whi...

Encouragement Is Vital to Your Ministry

A few months ago, my wife and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in Europe. One city we visited was Venice, where one evening we purchased tickets to hear Vivaldi's Four Seasons performed by a famous vio...

Putting the Ah in Nehemiah

Quick Backdrop When God first established His relationship with the people of Israel, He cut them a deal: If you obey My statutes (the Law), you will be My people, I will be your God. I will be able to use you...

Amen: Let It Be

"Amen" (Revelation: the last word of the Bible). Scripture ends with the word amen, which means "let it be so." We also use amen to close our prayers, and amen often is uttered when we agree with someone...