For this game you will need several large piles of leaves. (Hint: use the prep for this game as an opportunity to do a service project or rake up your church lawn leaves!) You also will need a leaf rake and a m...
Goal: A fun activity to demonstrate that nothing can wash away our sins except Jesus, but we must choose Him.Verse: "Then he said: 'The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know His will and to see the Righte...
This was one of those spur-of-the-moment games a group of friends and I invented several years ago during church camp. It can be used for any game that uses a ball (softball, basketball, etc.), but vo...
"A Cash Mob is a new trend in which people use social media to plan organized events, providing a way to join together and support local businesses. The concept is simple: with $20 in hand, members of a communi...
For this game you will need a supply of Fruit Rollups and various-shaped gummy candies. Divide the group into two teams, and provide a supply of the rollups and gummies to each team. This game works best with s...
What you need: a swimming noddle, bases, a whiffle ball, water hose.Here's a fun summer game that not only will engage your teens but cool them off on a hot summer day. Play the game as you would softball,...
Bring in a pile of newspapers, news magazines or printed Internet news articles. Ask each teenager to find a news story or happening in the community, nation or the world that captures his or her heart.&nb...
Divide into two teams and give each team a filled squirt gun and some index cards and pencils. After each team has created its list of movie titles, familiar phrases, common expressions, etc., one person on the...
This is a wonderful game to play on a bus or when you have a confined space or need a quick filler. Basically, as leader you assign points for various objects that people may have on his or her person (or ...
Invite the entire group to stand. Then, as leader, begin offering statements beginning with the phase, "Sit down if..."• "Sit down if you have ever been to Canada."• "Sit down if you wear contact le...