Icebreaker: Newspaper Race

Equipment: Two sheets of newspaper for each competitorThe competitors, each with two sheets of newspaper, line up at one end of the room. They have to make their way to the other end of the room and back again,...

Free Group Activity: Game On

Now it's totally easy for you to have high quality games and icebreakers for your group - without having to spend hours brainstorming ideas. Game On Vol. 4 is packed with 24 humorous, interesting, and someti...

Icebreaker: Proverbs

One player leaves the room while the others decide on a proverb. When he returns, he has to guess the proverb chosen by the other players. He does this by asking each of them in turn a question, which may be ab...

Free Group Activity: 10 Tough Things

Teenagers are smart. Insightful. Eager to embrace truth. And when they're challenged with the hard words of Jesus, they don't run away...they thrive. These 10 engaging sessions draw kids deep into God's Wor...

Icebreaker: Shopping List

One of the players is looking for certain items. The other players, in teams of four to six, try to get their items to this "shopper," who will call out items from a list, which may be be prepared beforehand or...

Icebreaker: Yes and No

Equipment: Five coins for each playerEach player is given five coins (or if that proves to be too costly, they may be given five matches). The players have to pair off and engage each other in conversation. The...

Mini-Scavenger Hunt

THE GAME: Think of items that players are likely to have on hand (e.g., sticks of gum, sunglasses, keys, paperbacks and backpack carabiners). Also think of group strengths (e.g., athletes and artists), and...

Icebreaker: Artist

Before you begin, ask someone who won't be playing with the group to write down some parts of songs or famous sayings. Have the person write each one on a small, separate sheet of paper and then fold it.Put the...

Kurt & Scott’s Junior High Adventure

Kurt & Scott have created a "playbook" for junior high workers. They want you to discover their strategies (and they don't always agree). They'll help you develop your stance (so get ready to think). And...