You'll need 2 small garbage cans (1 per team), 50 pieces of crumpled paper (25 per team) and 4 "Jail break cards" (2 per team).
Set up two territories with a no mans land in between. Divide your group into 2...
This game is great for any size youth.
Step 1: Split the youth into 2 or 4 teams, and get an even amount of people from every team.
Step 2: Stick a raw egg in a stocking, and stick the stocking on your he...
Have two volunteers come to the front of the room. One will stand facing the class/audience. The second volunteer will stand behind the other, with his or her back away from the audience.
Ask the class will ...
Divide the group into groups of 4-5.
Have a brown grocery bag full of funny, miscellaneous items you find around your house for each group. Bags usually contain about 5-7 items. Things like a comb, an apple,...
For a fun indoor activity, that also ends in a treat, try this twist on pizza. Purchase ready-made pizza dough (these come in tubes in the refrigerated section of your grocery) and toppings. Make sure you h...
Players sit in chars in a semicircle. One player faces them holding a playground ball. On a signal, this player throws the ball into the air, lets it bounce once, and then catches it. While the ball is in the a...
Teams form columns. The turning line is 20 feet from the starting line. Each lead player holds a rubber playground ball or similar object. It might be a balloon, a block of wood, or a beanbag, but it should be ...
Within a circle about eight or twelve feet in diameter, two players take a squatting position, with arms crossed in front of their chests. The object is for each person to try to force his opponent out of the c...
This activity can work as a teamwork exercise. Split your group into teams of five students each. Give each team identical buckets filled to the exact same level with water. (ALL either half full or 75 per...
Take a few t-shirts (usually one with your student ministry logo or a recent event shirt) soak in water, fold, then freeze them for at least 24 hours. Bring the shirts out and ask for volunteers. have the volun...