Twitter in Youth Ministry

From My Youth Ministry Blog: "Twitter is a simple tool by which to communicate! Since this is a youth ministry blog, lets look at it in the context of youth ministry. If you're interested in reading my blog ...

New Book: The Culturally Savvy Christian

Dick Staub's new book The Culturally Savvy Christian is receiving great reviews from readers, as well as critics. • Dick discusses some of the ideas from The Culturally Savvy Christian on YouTube. (http:...

YCU: Fat Kids Face Scary Future

PLUS: "Kindie rock" booming; top 10 video games franchises of all time Obese Children Face Frightening Adulthood -- About a third of all U.S. children ages 2-19 are classified as obese, according to a new gove...

Feeling Small

Jan. 20, 2009: A historical day for the nation as our new president took the oath of office. I'm always amazed at the spectacle that plays out when we witness the transfer of power.This year I had to settle for...

That’s Some Bad Hat Harry

From Nathan's Blog: "You know two separate pieces of information.  Perhaps you've even known them for a VERY long time.  But then one day.... EUREKA! The connection is made! This happens to me in m...

Stuff Christians Like: Jon Acuff

Using the same humor and honesty that galvanized more than a million online readers from more than 200 countries, blogger Jonathan Acuff brings his insightful take on Christianity to the book world with Stuf...

You could win a copy of STUFF CHRISTIANS LIKE

Zondervan and YouthWorker Journal is giving away five (5) copies to give away of Jonathan Acuff's Stuff Christians Like (Zondervan)! On May 31, we'll draw the names of five youth workers to win a free copy of t...