Culture Watch: Redefining Family

Because I'm a culture-watcher, I'm a TV watcher. Television offers a reflection of culture that's as big as the massive mirror that hung in my grandparents' living room over their couch. You could look into tha...

Taking a Timeout!

On Feb. 28, 2008, something happened that caused quite a stir for millions of people worldwide. The coffee industry known as Starbucks came to a screeching halt for three hours.CEO Howard Schultz believed his f...

Simpsons at 20, Elvis at 75!

Two pop culture icons are celebrating anniversaries. Here's how you can tie these events into your teaching.The Simpsons clan is celebrating 20 years on TV. When Fox, the show's network, asked for an anniversar...

Dear Facebook Friends …

From Xposed 2 Jesus: "Imagine for a moment receiving this letter in your Facebook Inbox either from a friend or student in your ministry ... You keep telling me it's not about religion and that's it about a re...