Emergent Apologetics

Debating is a lost cause. Don't believe me? Let's debate it.I have intentionally stayed away from modern apologetics for quite some time. There was a season in my life when I looked forward to finding another p...

The Fine Art of Question Asking

"Hey, howzit goin'?" "How are ya doing?" "What's goin' on, man?" Am I the only one who gets annoyed by these generic, un-heartfelt inquiries? It's tried and true; superficial questions get superficial answers. ...

Formal Education in Youth Ministry

I remember Mike Yaconelli once speaking at the Denver Seminary annual convocation ceremony. I'd been a professor for only four years after 15 spent in youth ministry leadership; and for the first few years...

Managing Your Enemies

When I was studying the Book of Psalms in seminary, one of my professors, Dr. V, was exploring the topic of the imprecatory psalms, which are the ones that include some pretty nasty things that the psalmist hop...

Ragged Rock: From Emo to Screamo

If it's even remotely possible to talk about laws of rock music, these might be two:1. In their never-ending quest to express themselves in meaningful musical forms (and to drive the adults in their lives crazy...

Toddlers Tuning In

At home, at school, at church and even in the car, kids are tuning in to visual entertainment— their eyes and ears glued to DVDs or videos, TV shows and video games. In recent years, they've been tun...

The Sexual Revolution Continues

If you're looking for signals and signposts showing how mixed up many people are about the subject of sex, one good place to look is ABC's "Are You Hot? The Search for America's Sexiest People," which is one of...