Online School Welcomes Gays

As part of an effort to provide a safe learning environment for students who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning their sexual orientation, a new school for them plans to l...

‘Nones’ Are Happy, Too…Maybe

A new look at unbelievers, the Non-Religious Identification Survey, finds that true atheists, chiefly well educated guys and women who call themselves "spiritual" are just as happy as religious folks. Maybe.Go...

At a Loss for Words

What happened Thursday, in 140 characters: Twitter went down. Facebook went down. People panicked, unused to not oversharing minutiae of life. Twitter back up. Facebook back up. Phew.Online Networks Down ...

D.C. to Offer STD Tests to Students

D.C. school officials are planning to offer tests for sexually transmitted diseases to all high school students in the coming school year, expanding a pilot program that uncovered a significant number of infect...

Marines Ban Online Social Networks

The U.S. Defense Department is reviewing the use of Facebook and other social networking sites on its computers with an eye toward setting rules on how to protect against possible security risks. The Marine Cor...