Themes Explored at Urbana ’09

Tracks and seminars will deal with evangelism, prayer and other spiritual disciplines; but they’ll also cover: Environmental Stewardship—caring for the earth’s resources as an integra...

To Save a Life

To Save a LifeTheatrical film with curriculumNew Song Pictures, 2009www.how2savealife.comJake is cute and sexy. He’s class president, MVP of the basketball team, and he’s dating a beautiful babe. ...

Freedom Begins Here Personal Toolkit

Freedom Begins Here Personal ToolkitDr. Gary Smalley, Ted Cunningham, Dr. Mark LaaserGray Communications Inc., 2009, 192 pp., $24.99www.freedombeginshere.orgThe Freedom Begins Here Personal Toolkit features a...

Teens Want More

As sophomores in college, just out of our teen years, we don’t feel like it’s our place to tell youth pastors what to do. However, as two young guys in ministry to our peers, we offer a unique persp...

The View from the Student’s Desk

I spend a lot of time talking to teachers and students about their perspectives on school. Here’s what students tell me.1. Respect must be earned.Most adolescents say teachers do not deserve respect simpl...

Be a Blessing to Your School

Most schools truly want help from the church, but they don’t necessarily want Bible clubs. How can youth workers bless schools with real help, especially as the school experience is changing so greatly?Yo...

All You Need Is Love

Every so often, we need to remind ourselves what this thing is all about—“this thing” being youth ministry, in particular, and the Christian walk, in general.I suggest we could boil the whole...