Maturity Rarely Happens Solo

As a young Christian attending seminary, I once heard a sermon in chapel that explained God’s goal for us is to become mature. The message was good, but the messenger never explained what maturity is and ...

Faith, Doubt & Dark Nights of the Soul

After I embraced the Christian way at 19, I enjoyed about 18 months of doubt-free Christian living. I read the Bible for long stretches, prayed a ton, talked to all kinds of Christians and listened to all kinds...

Staying Faithful Against the Odds

Urban youth workers must have faith. “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it,” Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:24. God loves our young people more than we do.I extend this word of encou...

Plan B Available to 17 & Older

The federal government said yesterday that it will allow the sale of the morning-after pill Plan B without a prescription to women as young as 17, a move that would make the contraceptive available to minors fo...

The Feedback Void

If you teach a second-grade Sunday School class, you can tell by kids’ participation how you’re doing. If you volunteer in the parking lot ministry of your church, the cars either get parked or they...

Embracing Your Artists & Creative Kids

Recently I was attending a gathering of artists and arts leaders when one stood up and said: “The artists of this creative age are the wedding planners for the wedding feast that is to come.”Wedding...