A-Rod Takes a Hit, but …

A-Rod has taken the hit of public suspicion that more than a couple baseball players have taken steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Today he openly confessed that he took such drugs during the 2001-...

Lost Generation

A video that was submitted in a contest by a 20-year-old to a contest titled "U @ 50." The video won second place, and when shown, everyone in the room broke into spontaneous applause. ...

Libraries Living on Borrowed Time

Dwindling tax dollars are forcing libraries to close branches, cut hours and end programs just as more people are turning to them for services. "Libraries rely on public dollars, and we know there are less pub...

Convictions of Value

Students are full of convictions. They are fully persuaded that YouTube and Facebook is time well spent, that Angelina Jolie is currently the hottest woman alive; and that the convictions th...
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It’s Cool To Be a Tween

The prepubescent children of days gone by have given way to a cooler kid -- the tween -- who aspires to teenhood but is not quite there yet. ...Retailers know tweens are a hot market for clothes, music and ente...

Princesses Preen in Pauper Economy

The three girls walking down Meiji Street in the heart of Tokyo's Harajuku district are talking loudly in cute high voices, sometimes breaking into giggles. They could be any group of teenage girls on a merry s...

Rural Areas Suffering Pastor Exodus

Carol Porter, 63 and no word mincer, sits in her modest kitchen in Euclid, Minn., and recalls the day her 118-year-old church was burned to the ground. "I was baptized, confirmed and married there," she reports...