The Mythical Promiscuous Teen

Have American teenagers gone wild? Parents have worried for generations about changing moral values and risky behavior among young people, and the latest news seems particularly worrisome. It came from the N...

The Quest for a Spiritual Home

A surprising number of Americans are switching from one religion to another. A 2007 survey done by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that 44 percent of Americans profess a different religious af...

Are Church Super Bowl Parties OK?

Two years ago it was, "You can't show the Super Bowl on the big screen at church!"Last year it was, "The screen can only be 55 inches."This year... apparently the NFL is lightening up.It's about time!The NFL de...

Music in Ministry: Why Does it Matter?

Can you categorize the defining moments in your life? Music undoubtedly provides the backdrop for many significant life landmarks: personally, I can link almost every major milestone in my relatively short life...

Camp Kaskitowa

Camp Kaskitowa was founded in 1939 and was originally located in Wisconsin where it served as the first Christian Service Brigade camp. In 1942, the camp was relocated to a site in northern Michigan before mov...