You Oughta Be in Pixels

The video game industry raked in almost as much money as the film industry during the 2007-08 fiscal year. Gaming software grew 38 percent and accounted for $26.5 billion in sales through March of this year (wh...

Phones for Preschoolers?

Silly parents, cell phones are for kids. At least that’s what cell phone companies are telling consumers. Teens, ‘tweens and even younger children have become a huge growth market for such companies...

Virtual Reality

Virtual worlds such as Second Life and Habbo Hotel are expected to boom in the next 10 years, with more than 1 billion folks expected to create their own virtual avatars by 2018.It’s not hard to see why. ...
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True Grid

The Internet is soooo five nanoseconds ago. At least that’s what some scientists believe. But have no fear: They’ve already created a replacement.They’re calling it “the grid,” and...

The C-Files

The Vatican recently said it’s OK for Roman Catholics to believe in aliens: Just don’t go to Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower to look for them.“How can we rule out that life may have develo...

Hulkbrand Acne Medicine

We all know summer’s the season for silver-screen blockbusters. Turns out, though, many retailers hoped to capitalize on the summer’s biggest movies, too.Iron Man, something of a surprise mega-smash...