Law Makes Teen Kissing Illegal

    The Sexual Offenses Act, signed into power by South African President Thabo Mbeki, criminalizes kissing among people under 16.     The South African government says the new law is a...

Abortions Down 25% from Peak

A comprehensive study of abortion in America underscores a striking change in the landscape, with ever-fewer pregnant women choosing abortion and those who do increasingly opting to avoid surgical clinics.The n...

Huckabee Spilts Age Groups

Much of the national leadership of the Christian conservative movement has turned a cold shoulder to the Republican presidential campaign of Mike Huckabee, wary of his populist approach to economic issues and h...

College, Secular or Spiritual?

    A recent study by retired UCLA professors, Alexander and Helen Astin, includes a few key findings suggesting that students are less likely to attend religious services the longer they are in col...

Organization, Better Thinking?

With people from various professions arguing that there is a crisis in the education of boys, a new trend that may be developing is the use of tutors to help boys get organized. Could it be that if boys had les...

MySpace Ups Safety Measures

MySpace has reached an agreement with more than 45 states to change to help prevent sexual predators and others from misusing it, state officials said last Monday. Several states' attorneys general said in a st...

The Atheist’s Daughter

Reporters have been banned from her home -- her mother is adamant on this point -- so the McDonald's across the street from Buffalo Grove High School has to serve as her impromptu media headquarters.None of whi...

Clicking with Jesus

"Converting visitors to Christianity is the 'Number One goal' of the Web site, says Wyatt, a 39-year-old student at Dallas Theological Seminary. 'And secondly, to re-energize the nominal Christian who may not g...

Look Mom, No Hands!

Cars that drive themselves—even parking at their destination—could be ready for sale within a decade, General Motors Corp. executives say. GM, parts suppliers, university engineers and other autom...