Bibles Being Marketed to Young

      A traditional Bible with a stiff, dark, faux leather cover, retails at around $7, but publishers are not satisfied with the economic profits these units yield, nor with the limited audie...

SuperCamp Begins 26th Year

SuperCamp, which broke new ground in the summer camp industry in 1982 with the first learning and life skills program for middle and high school students, is about to pass the 50,000 enrollment mark, reflecting...

A Good Goodbye

      We’re approaching that time of year again. Graduation. The seniors we’ve been ministering to and toiling with will soon be gone. What advice can we give them that will motiva...

More Time Means More Progress

    Our increasingly globalized world makes it all the more important for the American education system to remain competitive and effective in preparing students to engage with the world’s...

Study Suggests New Life Stage

In a study done by three BYU professors, it was discovered that 80 percent of parents do not consider their 18-25 year-old college students to be adults. The students agree.The time period for which parents are...

Mean Mom Sells Car

Some are calling an Iowa mother the “meanest Mom in the world” for her creative discipline techniques. After finding alcohol in her son's car, Jane Hambleton chose a unique form of discipline. ...

Track & Field Star Sentenced

"Marion Jones, the track and field star who pled guilty in October to lying to federal agents about her use of performance-enhancing drugs and her connection to a check-fraud case, was sentenced to six months i...

Video Game Zombies

One commentator argues that video games have sucked the life out of his kids. He concludes: "In the meantime, what is to be done? I'm not suggesting making the games illegal--we don't need a multibillion-dollar...