Sight Unseen: The Political Diaspora

    In November 2004 I stood in a voting booth in South Boston, where I was living at the time, and flipped a coin.     I felt unable to choose the conventional evangelical Christian ch...

Deep Justice in a Broken World

Guess how much money you, I, the kids in our youth ministries and every other American spend each year on Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry, Jamoca Almond Fudge, Rainbow Sherbet, just plain Vanilla and all o...

On the Youth Ministry Radar

Worship Gathering in Kansas Dozens of national youth ministries, churches, prayer ministries, and denominations are working together to prepare a field south of Kansas City for a worship gathering for thousand...

Some can’t learn from mistakes

Neuroscience studies are pointing to a gene that makes it physiologically more difficult for some people to learn from their mistakes.   German researchers, in an issue of the journal Science, say their ...

Jamba Juice or Retirement Plans

Craig and Brad grew up in ministry families, which meant their families struggled with finances. Today, they help wealthy investors manage millions of dollars. Here, they offer advice for a different clientele...

Urban and Second Class Youth Ministry?

Every other month, as I write this column, I think about who might read it. Do urban youth ministry workers see it? Do youth ministers in the suburbs or in rural areas skip by the column, seeking articles they ...

Snap Stats

Snap Stats     58 percent of Americans think teachers in public schools should be able to lead prayers.43 percent believe public schools should be allowed to put on Nativity reenactments with Chr...

Francis on Simplicity

    Just outside the Indiana farmhouse where I lived as a young man stood several large mulberry trees that seemed like members of our family.     Then one day, these beloved trees endu...