Your Electrical Outlet or Mine?

    An artificial intelligence researcher says that humans and robots could be an intimate part of our lives in the next few decades–with an emphasis on intimate.     “My fo...

Tackling Teen Drinking

    High schools, hoping to curb their students’ propensity to drink at extracurricular events, are snatching up breathalyzers in record numbers. One manufacturer reports that high school orde...

Junior’s Grumpy? He Must Be Bipolar

    Forget the chicken pox-as-epidemic. Doctors say they’re diagnosing record numbers of children as having bipolar disorder, which is typically treated with highly potent psychotropic drugs. ...

World Wide Worship, the upstart religious Web site based in Plano, Texas, has become one of the Internet’s hottest addresses. It grew a stunning 973 percent in one month last year; and last Octob...

A Real Yawner

    A new study suggests that, while all-nighters may be a rite of passage in college, they actually may chip away at students’ grade-point averages.     According to researchers ...

Don’t Dial and Drive

    Teens and cell phones don’t mix—at least not while behind the wheel, according to the state of California. The state recently joined 15 other states in making it illegal for teens t...

T. McCarty Dies Near Home

On November 27, a Boulder, CO, newspaper reported the tragic death of Tennyson McCarty, a popular Christian speaker, magician, and ex-football player.  The news of his death was tragic and many surrounded ...

Princeton Student Faked Attack

A Princeton University student who argued that his conservative views were not accepted on the campus confessed to fabricating an assault and sending threatening e-mail messages to himself and some friends who ...